Air Conditioning Cuts Indoor Pollution

It is common knowledge that your Clayton Air Conditioner filters out the bad air. But did you know that you could go so far as to say that it can completely prevent outdoor pollution from affecting your indoor air? Many people assume that their air conditioner simply recycles cold air throughout their home but this simply is not the case. Your air conditioner is a massive all home air purifier in many ways and works to keep you and your family free from bacteria and other growths that may be air borne in your residence or office.

How it works?

The process of turning hot air in to cold air through your Clayton HVAC system works to purify the air. It’s process of using hot and cold can actually sanitize the outdoor air before pumping it into your h

Clean Clayton Air

ome. A process that benefits all who breathe the indoor air. Likewise, it is also pushed through an indoor filter which is able to catch anything from dust to bacteria that may be in the air vents or your home. This process is a fantastic way to keep your home free from disease and allergens that cause discomfort. For residential places so close to the city like Clayton, this process is crucial in combatting urban pollution in our homes.

How you can help!

Did you know that you can help your air conditioner better fight the outdoor pollution with just a few preventative measures? There does not need to be a a whole bunch of steps taken but a few little things just to give your Clayton heating and cooling solutions an extra hand can make a world of difference. First, don’t skimp on changing your filter. By changing your indoor filter regularly, you could help the sanitation process be more effective. Your filter, if it is doing it’s job, will fill up with junk rather quickly so be aware of how often the instructions on your filter say you ought to change it. Also, by keeping your home clean you significantly reduce the amount of airborne things that your air conditioner has to work to filter. A quick vacuuming or dusting could make a world of difference in your home.