Pay Attention to Indoor Air Quality


Pay Attention to Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality is one of the top health concerns in our country, especially in more metropolitan areas. We are concerned about how your indoor air quality from your Clayton AC could be affecting your health and home. This month we want to dedicate our blog to raising awareness about what causes bad indoor air quality and how you can combat it ona day-to-day basis.

Poor air quality can be caused by a variety of pollutants that enter your home either via open windows, messy pet stains and grime, or a poorly maintained Clayton HVAC system. Your home is at real risk of developing problems from any of the above and you should be conscious of how you can help on a regular basis. Having several pets can be a main cause, also, unchecked levels of humidity or water in the air can cause your home to grow mold spores. Similarly, you are at risk for potentially harming your family if you have not had a Clayton heating and cooling maintenance appointment in quite some time.

To improve your air quality and even see many positive effects on your health, we recommend that you sign up for a maintenance appointment through your local Clayton air conditioning service company. They will likely clean your unit and get its air purifying abilities back on par in no time at all. Furthermore, you can help your home by cleaning up thoroughly after your pets by vacuuming and dusting on a regular basis. These are just a few of the things that can have a major effect on your Clayton, CA home. For more information call a professional today and see how you can clean up your air.

Clayton Homes Heating Costs Revealed

What is it that makes your Clayton air conditioning so expensive every single month? Have you been getting high energy bills with with little understanding of why heating and cooling in Clayton, CA is so expensive? If so then you need to take a minute to consider some ways that we have found Clayton homes use extra energy. You don’t want to be caught spending more than you need to, so sit back and let us educate you on we can make the most of your Clayton AC experience today! There are just a few simple things you may be missing!

First, insulation is the main culprit of energy waste from your Clayton, CA air conditioning system. When your home is poorly insulated your Clayton air conditioning unit will work to heat or cool your home but the air will only seep through the walls and try to equalize with the outdoor air. This escape of air can be really costly over the long haul so you don’t want to catch yourself with poor insulation. If you feel you run your Clayton AC frequently with little to no results then it may be time to put some great heating and air conditioning insulation into your home to cut down on energy spending.

Similarly, a lack of maintenance can cause your energy prices to sky rocket and cost your much more in the long run. If you are spending an excessive amount on heating and cooling your home in Clayton, CA then it may be time to contact a local Air Conditioning Clayton professional. A maintenance plan will fine tune your AC unit to work at it’s very best for long. Don’t spend more than you have too to make your Clayton air conditioning the very best! Cutting down costs doesn’t seem so hard now does it?


Why Go Ductless?

Ductless heating and air conditioning options may be just the Clayton HVAC solution you have been looking for. This innovative and creative solution to heating and cooling your home has proven to be more cost effective and healthier for your home. If you have never heard of ductless air conditioning than it is high time that you did! There are many benefits to heating and cooling your Clayton, CA home in this manner that can help you for many years to come. don’t be caught up with old ways of cooling and heating in Clayton, CA residences or commercial locations. Here are just a few ways in which switching to ductless can make your life easier in Clayton, Ca.


First, cutting down on energy bills is nothing to scoff at! Your Clayton air conditioning unit makes up about 30% of your homes gas and electric bill. In order to help your home get to the right temperature more efficiently and quickly then you will may want to consider switching to ductless air. These unit sonly cool one room at a time so you never waste energy on rooms in your Clayton, CA home that do not need the air. If you are not in a room, why cool it? This can save your up to 50% on your energy bills each month. If that isn’t a fantastic plus, I don’t know what is.

Also, ductless can make your Clayton heating and cooling system much healthier for your home. Clayton air conditioning generally uses ducts which pick up all sorts of residue and dirt left behind in your home. To prevent this from negatively effecting your home, try and switch to a more efficient means like ductless air which side steps the unhealthy duct air all together. Eliminate the dirtiest part of your home by switching to ductless today!

Air Conditioning Cuts Indoor Pollution

It is common knowledge that your Clayton Air Conditioner filters out the bad air. But did you know that you could go so far as to say that it can completely prevent outdoor pollution from affecting your indoor air? Many people assume that their air conditioner simply recycles cold air throughout their home but this simply is not the case. Your air conditioner is a massive all home air purifier in many ways and works to keep you and your family free from bacteria and other growths that may be air borne in your residence or office.

How it works?

The process of turning hot air in to cold air through your Clayton HVAC system works to purify the air. It’s process of using hot and cold can actually sanitize the outdoor air before pumping it into your h

Clean Clayton Air

ome. A process that benefits all who breathe the indoor air. Likewise, it is also pushed through an indoor filter which is able to catch anything from dust to bacteria that may be in the air vents or your home. This process is a fantastic way to keep your home free from disease and allergens that cause discomfort. For residential places so close to the city like Clayton, this process is crucial in combatting urban pollution in our homes.

How you can help!

Did you know that you can help your air conditioner better fight the outdoor pollution with just a few preventative measures? There does not need to be a a whole bunch of steps taken but a few little things just to give your Clayton heating and cooling solutions an extra hand can make a world of difference. First, don’t skimp on changing your filter. By changing your indoor filter regularly, you could help the sanitation process be more effective. Your filter, if it is doing it’s job, will fill up with junk rather quickly so be aware of how often the instructions on your filter say you ought to change it. Also, by keeping your home clean you significantly reduce the amount of airborne things that your air conditioner has to work to filter. A quick vacuuming or dusting could make a world of difference in your home.


Cut Down on Cooling Costs

You Clayton heating and cooling expenses add up to being one of the biggest money drains on you and your home every single month. It can be quite disappointing when your hard earned money goes out the door to pay for rising gas and electric costs. However, you are not without o


ptions. There are several ways in which you can cut down on your heating and cooling costs that you may or may not have already considered. We did some research and here are some proven ways to save on your bills every month.

  • Insulate. Insulate. Insulate. We cannot stress how important it is that every single person insulate their home effectively. The majority of energy used by your air conditioner is spent trying to make up for air that escapes through windows, walls, and vents. With effective insulation you could cut down your air conditioning bills significantly. To see how your insulation is doing a great place to start is looking at the weather stripping on your windows and doors. Also, thicker blinds or protective window coverings can also benefit you greatly.
  • Upgrade your thermostat. A programmable thermostat can make a world of difference in climate control. If you are able to use a programable thermostat then you can set your AC to only cool or heat your home during the times you will be home. Also, changing your air conditioner by a couple of degrees can also make up to 10% of difference on your bills.
  • Overhead Fans. When you run your AC, it will take awhile for the air to fully circulate your home. An overhead fan will help your AC circulate more quickly. WIth the assistance of an overhead fan, you could be just as comfortable at a higher temperature which will save lots on energy bills.

With just a few short steps you could be cooling your home for less and enjoying a little extra financial freedom. A little bit of change could cut your air conditioning and heating costs by 25% in as little as one month .


Clean Home Means Clean Air

It’s possible that due to the air you breathe you will experience higher counts of allergic reactions and viruses. Your air carries all sorts of microscopic particles that end up in your lungs and body through the course of every single day. Clayton Air Conditioning Professionals want to help you better understand how to combat these particles and make your home a better, safer place. bad air

HVAC care is the first place to start for improving your homes air quality. First, get your HVAC unit tuned up. It may not be filtering outside air as well as it did when it was new. This means that you will need to contact a local heating and cooling specialist to come and inspect your unit. A simple tune up can have all sorts of beneficial outcomes like improving air flow and filtering processes.

Next, it may be time to clean your indoor filter. Just swapping your filter can drastically improve the way that air from your home is cleaned in your ventilation system. It can catch airborne bacteria along with pet dander and dust.

Finally, clean your house. Keeping things tidy and dusted will cut down on what is circulated throughout a home. Just vacuuming a few times a week will cut down on allergens drastically. Little things can make a huge difference in dealing with air quality problems.

For more information or help contact a local Clayton AC repair and ask about tune up plans and more information of improving the air you breath.